Product specifications

Models shown HB86P572B, HB76AB560B, HW140562B
The controls on our ovens come in a wide range
of styles.
Straightforward dials or the latest in touch sensitive electronic technology is yours with a Siemens oven.
Dial controls can be pushed fl ush to achieve a stylish, sleek appearance, and all the controls are easy
to reach, simple to use and centrally positioned on the fascia making them very user friendly.
Clock display options
As you’d expect from Siemens, the clocks do rather more than just tell the time - although they do it beautifully. They all act
as minute minders and most will let you pre-set the oven to switch off, or even on and off at a specific time. Ovens with
graphic display and clearText offer you the choice of four different display variations: three analogue and one digital.
Electronic control clearText display
First-class information in black on white
and white on black. The new style clearText
display makes it pretty easy to keep track
of things while you’re cooking. The large
letters and the alternating black and white
background of the display immediately tells
you all about the current settings – in addition
to the current time, programme status, and
other details. The information displayed on a
white background shows you the settings you
can change. The black background indicates
settings that are not currently active.
Because cooking is often an intuitive process,
the Siemens lightControl concept applies that
instinctive approach to how our ovens work.
That flexibility begins the second you turn
the oven on; the retractable control dial is
highlighted in a cool, elegant blue, and while
you’re cooking you’ll always have the most
important data in view – the blue push button
illumination shows you just which functions
are currently active.