User Manual

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Siemens Synco™ living CE1C2740en
Building Technologies Function settings 13.12.2010
Derivative action time Tv
The room controller’s derivative action time can be set for every room.
Main menu > Rooms > Room X > Room controller > Der action time Tv:
For your guidance, see the default settings (factory setting 450 s):
Room type Guide value Tv
Radiator heating slow 450 s
Radiator heating fast 540 s
Floor heating slow 540 s
Floor heating fast 540 s
Neutral zone
For rooms using 3-position actuators, the room controller’s neutral zone
(0..20 K) can be set for every room.
Main menu > Rooms > Room X > Room controller > Neutral zone:
For your guidance, see the default settings (factory setting 0.1 K):
Room type Guide value neutral zone
Radiator heating slow 0.1 K
Radiator heating fast 0.1 K
Floor heating slow 0.1 K
Floor heating fast 0.1 K
Switching differential 2-position
For rooms using 2-position actuators, the room controller’s switching differen-
tial (0..20 K) can be set for every room.
Main menu > Rooms > Room X > Room controller
> Switching diff 2-pos:
For your guidance, see the default settings (factory setting 0.8 K):
Room type Guide value switching differential
Radiator heating slow 0.8 K
Radiator heating fast 0.8 K
Floor heating slow 0.8 K
Floor heating fast 0.8 K