User Manual

Make it simpler to investigate suspi-
cious transactions and identify dishon-
est activities
Use surveillance of tills to reduce
employee cash theft and fraud
Deter and reduce theft by customers
and staff with overt video systems
Control and manage entry to vulnera-
ble areas with video and access control
Improve out-of-hours safety and secu-
rity with interoperable access control,
video and intruder detection systems
Substantial reduction in store theft
means quick return on investment
Future-proof security
In choosing the various Siemens’ security
technologies for retail premises, owners
and managers are ensuring the future
expansion capability of their security
arrangements, which will be able to grow
with the business.
Siemens’ IP-based systems facilitate the
central monitoring of the access control,
intruder detector and video surveillance
systems. In the event of any incident that
triggers an alarm, signals can be trans-
mitted to a pre-configured e-mail address
and event-logs can be investigated
When linked to a central control room, or
alarm monitoring centre, Siemens’ sys-
tems provide invaluable tools for the veri-
fication of alarms and facilitate appropri-
ate response.
Improve customer service
Video surveillance of a store and its tills
will achieve far more than simply moni-
toring dishonest activity of staff and cus-
tomers and recording evidence. By study-
ing the serving of customers by staff,
faults can be identified. Gaps in training
can be corrected to improve performance
and the service offered.
Staffing levels at tills and checkouts can
be monitored too, in order to keep wait-
ing times to a minimum and ensure effi-
cient deployment of staff.
work. This means, for instance, that man-
agers can review images to ensure their
departments are running smoothly or
check that areas are free from hazards.
Users can also be authorised to access
images remotely. Managers can therefore
check stocktaking procedures, ensure
there are no breaches of security or
check that opening times are properly
observed by staff – even when the man-
agers themselves are not on the premises.
Improve out-of-hours safety for staff
With the growth of out-of-town retail
centres, many medium to large compa-
nies are now in more isolated locations
and have extended opening hours. This
makes them more attractive to the seri-
ous criminal.
To improve security – and safety of staff
– the first line of action is to ensure that
the outer perimeter of the premises is
secure. Siemens’ access control systems
allow entry to the car park to be con-
trolled outside normal opening hours by
granting access to only authorised card
or tag holders.
Siemens’ intruder detection systems en-
able the various areas of the premises
(main store, warehouse, offices etc.) to
be monitored independently. This means
that offices can be under alarm while the
main store is not. Detectors can be linked
to specified verification zones, activating
audio or video alarm verification immedi-
ately after an alarm. When the exterior of
the building is monitored by Siemens’
day-night cameras, staff will undoubtedly
feel safer and more secure.