User guide

right page (3) of SL65 Iris en, A31008-H7700-A1-1-7619 (18.06.2004, 16:59)
Siemens AG 2003, U:\Siemens\ICM_MP_CCQ_S_UM_RUST\10210-001_vor-Ort-Einsatz\Produkte\SL65\output\FUG\en\
3Safety precautions
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 040517
Safety precautions
Information for parents
Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions carefully before use.
Explain the content and the hazards associated with using the phone to your children.
Remember to comply with legal
requirements and local restric-
tions when using the phone.
For example in aeroplanes,
petrol stations, hospitals or
while driving.
Mobile phones can interfere
with the functioning of medical
devices such as hearing aids or
pacemakers. Keep at least
20 cm/9 inches between phone
and pacemaker. When using
the mobile phone hold it to the
ear which is further away from
the pacemaker. For more infor-
mation consult your doctor.
The ringtone (p. 81), info tones
(p. 85) and handsfree talking
are reproduced through the
loudspeaker. Do not hold the
phone to your ear when it rings
or when you have switched on
the handsfree function (p. 26).
Otherwise you risk serious
permanent damage to your
Only use original Siemens bat-
teries (100 % mercury-free) and
charging devices. Otherwise
you risk serious damage to
health and property. The battery
could explode, for instance.
Small parts such as the SIM
card, sealing stop, lens ring and
lens cap can be dismantled and
swallowed by small children.
The phone must therefore be
stored out of the reach of small
The mains voltage specified on
the power supply unit (V) must
not be exceeded. Otherwise
the charging device may be
You may only open the phone
to replace the battery (100 %
mercury-free) or SIM card. You
must not open the battery under
any circumstances. All other
changes to this device are
strictly prohibited and will
invalidate the guarantee.