User guide

right page (43) of SL65 Iris en, A31008-H7700-A1-1-7619 (18.06.2004, 16:59)
Siemens AG 2003, U:\Siemens\ICM_MP_CCQ_S_UM_RUST\10210-001_vor-Ort-Einsatz\Produkte\SL65\output\FUG\en\
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 040517
The central input folder offers imme-
diate access to the messages cur-
rently received. This means that you
no longer have to look through all in-
put folders for the various message
types. The entries are marked with a
symbol to indicate their type and sta-
tus. You will find a list of the symbols
on p. 8.
To call up the central input folder,
e.g. if a new SMS has been received:
Press the display key
beneath the symbol.
In standby mode:
In the central input folder, you will
find the following message types:
SMS, MMS, E-mail
System messages:
Message about MMS, Missed alarm,
Missed appts., Calls missed, WAP push,
Voice message
Data objects:
Ringtones, Pictures and Video, calen-
dar entries, Notes and Business card.
When you open an entry,
the relevant application
also starts.
After a set time span, entries which
have already been read and opened
are only displayed in the message-
related incoming lists (see Setup in
the options menu).
Inbox options
§Options§ Open menu.
Receive e-mail
Select set access and
send all e-mails.
If entries have been
read, remove them from
the Inbox:
Daily, Never,
If Daily has been select-
ed, specify the time.
(For standard functions see p. 15)