Owner manual

My stuff106
© Siemens AG 2003, C:\Siemens\DTP-Satz\Produkte\SL75_Hydra_1\out-
left page (106) of SL75 Hydra FUG, w/o ptt, en, A31008-H3300-A1-1-7619 (15.09.2005, 11:48)
Template: X75, Version 2.2;VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 050822
My stuff
To organise your files, you can use
the file system like a PC file manager.
There are separate folders for the
various data types in My stuff.
The list of the folders and files is
Select file or folder.
Open folder and select file
or link.
Depending on the selec-
tion, the file with the as-
sociated application is
opened or the download
Melodies, pictures, games and other
applications are offered on the Inter-
net. Once downloaded, you can ac-
cess these via the phone. Most appli-
cations include instructions. To
download e.g. new pictures, sounds,
the appropriate folders contain the
download function.
Remember that pictures and sounds
may be protected (DRM, page 14).
Some applications and games are al-
ready pre-installed on your phone.
Downloading can, if necessary, take
place in two stages:
Description file only
The description file is
loaded for information
purposes only. The appli-
cation/game itself must
be loaded separately.
or complete download
The application/game is
completely loaded (the
asterisk icon may be re-
placed by an applica-
tion/game icon).