User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Index 184
Data connection loss, unexpected
Log event, 108
Data Received, 57
Data Sent, 57
Data statistics for the current connection session, 56
Data transferred (current session), 56
Data transferred (lifetime)
3G, 63, 79, 82
4G, 82
4G LTE, 64, 80
4G WiMAX, 64, 80
Data transmission rates, 22
DDF ID, 64, 80
Default gateway, 57
Default settings
3G/4G configuration, resetting, 120, 121
Software, resetting, 104
Demilitarized zone. See DMZ
Denying computers access to your network, 117
Destination IP Address, 104
Account, setting up on, 12
Components, 22
Drawing (connectors and buttons), 10
Information, viewing, 62, 79
Name (host name), 112
Setting up, 12
Turning off, 44
Device Activation Required message, 147
Device driver, installing
Mac, 38
Windows, 38
Device name (host name)
Changing, 118
Input rules, 118
Linking to SSID, 112
Device tab
About panel, 79
Basic panel, 75
Display panel, 76
Log panel, 80
microSD card panel, 77
Sounds panel, 78