User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Index 186
Electronic Serial Number (ESN)
Device > About window, 63, 79
Email server, accessing, 99
Enable GPS, 53, 87, 122
Enable SD Card, 127
Encryption protocols supported, 156
End field (port forwarding), 100
Enter standby mode (playing a sound), 59, 74, 78
Environmental specifications, 157
ESN (Electronic Serial Number)
Device > About window, 63, 79
Expanded Wi-Fi security options, 15
Export (router settings), 107
Connection history, 108
Device settings, 107
System event log, 109
Failover Wait-time, 83
Failover, Primary WAN (log event), 108
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), 132
FAX, 156
FCC (regulatory) notices, 160
FCC ID, 160
Feedback button, 46
Firefox browser, 12
Firewall software, 152
Firmware version
3G component, 64, 80
4G LTE component, 64, 80
4G WiMAX component, 64, 80
Routing hardware, 63, 79
Wi-Fi, 63, 79
Firmware, upgrading from a file, 66
Fix rate, 88, 125
Fix, GPS
Fix rate, 88
Get fix now, 54, 87
GPS Fix Not Available, 154
Type of fix (GPS mode), 53, 87
Folder name, microSD card, 128
Forgot administrator password, 134
Forgot Wi-Fi password, 133
Forward Ports, 102
Fragmentation Threshold, 90