User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Index 192
Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID)
Device > About window, 63, 80
LCD, displayed on, 31
Mobile Station ID (MSID), 84
Model information, 63, 79
Model Number, 63, 79
Mozilla Firefox, 12
MSID (Mobile Station ID), 84
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size, 57
MTU field, 95
Mute switch, location, 28
NAI (Network Access Identifier), 84
NAP-ID (Network Access Provider ID), 85
Navigation button, 28
Network. See also 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi
3G information, 83
3G, overview, 22
4G LTE information, 86
4G WiMAX information, 85
4G, overview, 22
Active network, 49, 82
Cannot connect, 153
Network operator, 82
Protocols supported, 156
Network Access Identifier (NAI), 84
Network access provider, 4G (NAP-ID), 85
Network access, configuring, 116
Network operator
3G, 120
4G (NSP-ID), 85
Carrier the device was activated for, 63, 79, 82
Network panel of the Wi-Fi tab, 88
Network service
3G, tips on improving service, 139
Network Time Protocol (NTP), 110
Network update available
Log event, 108
Network, corporate, accessing through VPN, 136
Never (Disable Wi-Fi), 55, 89
No filtering (MAC Filter option), 116
No service
Searching for Network message, 147
None (no Wi-Fi security), 113
Notice, important, 158