User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Browser Interface Home Page 41
Callout item
When you click an icon or the text next to it, a window opens to the right. The
window contains additional status information and, if you’re logged in,
commonly-used configurable settings. (See
Icons and Text.)
Use this area to enter the administrator password and log in. When you’re
logged in, you can change settings. (See Logging On as an Administrator.)
Clicking one of these buttons displays a window or a menu. (See Home Page
This is the Virtual Device; it reflects the status of your device. If you click the
image, a movable Mini Window is opened. (See “Virtual Device” and “Mini
Window” in
Device Views.)
A handy way to turn the device off, especially if, for example, you’re in an
airplane before takeoff, and the device is in your overhead bag. (This button
is available only if you’re logged in.)
Start a WPS session (to add to your network a device that supports WPS), or
enable or disable WPS. (See Connecting Through WPS.)
Disconnects a connection, or connects (if currently there’s no connection).
(This button is available only if you’re logged in.)
Home Page Basics
Displaying the Home Page of the Device
Logging On as an Administrator
Device Views
Turning Your Device Off
Setup Pages
Displaying the Home Page of the Device
There are several ways you can display the home page of the device.
Note: You can display the home page only when your device is turned on and you have
established a connection to it (through Wi-Fi or through the micro-USB cable).
To display the home page, type one of the following in the address bar of your Web browser:
SSID value (field in Advanced settings > Wi-Fi > Network and also in Advanced
settings > Router > LAN)