Owner's Manual

Once your KILO is paired and actively synced with your smartphone, when you enter the
RANGEFINDER HUD screen your smartphone will automatically pull the local temperature and
altitude from the closest weather station. If you are not in cell range you can manually update both
temperature and altitude by touching on the white numbers in each field and manually updating
these environmental conditions.
The most important input for calculating accurate Applied Ballistics solutions is getting your
MV correct. You need to either chronograph your firearm or use the embedded MV Calibration
routine built into the BDX App. To use the MV Calibration routine make sure your scope is
zeroed (i.e. at 100 yards) and verify that the BDX App is showing zero holdover values at the
zero distance by ranging the target at the zero range and verifying the your holds are in fact zero
Use the MV Calibration routine at the
farthest distance you intend to shoot.
The greater the distance the more
accurate the MV calculation will be.
In this example the target was at 378
yards. Confirm your max target range.
Note – ABU only provides ballistic
solutions out to 800 yards maximum.