Safety Data Sheet

SDS1000DL+/CML+ Series Digital Oscilloscope
Function & Characteristic
Memory Depth up to 2 Mpts
32 parameters auto measurements and 5
parameters display
Using the long memory mode, users are able to use a higher sampling rate to capture more of the signal, and quickly zoom to focus on the area of interest.
The SDS1000DL+/CML+ support voltage, time and delay measurement
types, with a total of 32 different parameters. The user is able to select
ve measurements to display on the screen. All measurement parameters
can also be displayed simultaneously.
Normal Memory (40 Kpts) Long Memory (2 Mpts)
Math Function
SDS1000DL+/CML+ provides 5 kinds of math operation: +, -, *, /, FFT,
supporting channel waveform and FFT waveform in either split display
windows or both signals appearing on the full screen.
Zoom Function
Zoom can extend a partial segment of the waveform, giving the user
not only an overview of the whole signal but also a detailed view of the
zoomed-in segment. The Zoom feature is a convenient way to locate a
specic segment of a signal while zooming in to see the details.
Pass/Fail Function
With easy to generate user-defined test templates, the SDS1000DL+/
CML+ compares the current measured trace to the template mask
trace making it suitable for long-term signal monitoring or automated
production line testing.