Installation Manual

ValveWatch II Hardware Installation and Setup Manual
Page 13 of 34
3.2 Site Survey
Before a system is installed, an engineering survey is required. This survey should be
accomplished by an authorized Crane Valve Services Field Engineer. A summarization of the
questions answered during a site survey, or walk down are as follows:
1) Does the customer desire wireless communication or data over power?
2) How many valves is the customer interested in monitoring?
3) Does each valve have a cavity?
4) Is the cavity and other pressure ports isolated from the flow area with a double block
and bleed valve?
5) Is it a one, two or three pressure sensor application for each valve?
6) Is there access to the fluid media thru a tap with block and bleed valves?
7) Where can the strain sensor be mounted on the yoke for torque or thrust
8) Is static pressure going to be monitored?
9) Is there a tap and block for the actuator inlet pressure?
10) Are there special requirements for a unique sensor?
Examples are: Differential Pressure, Accelerometer, Position, Switch, Temperature
11) Where can a local data acquisition unit enclosure be mounted for each valve?
12) What is the distance from each valve to the local data acquisition enclosure?
13) What is the distance from the local data acquisition unit enclosure to the control
14) How many Hub systems are required?
15) What configuration of the Hub is required?
16) Creation of plant drawings will be required
17) Creation of equipment and material lists will be required.
18) Schedule of sensor installation will be required.
19) Schedule of cable installation will be required.
20) Schedule of control room equipment installation will be required.
21) System checkout procedure will be required.
22) ValveWatch II software and MIS checklist requirements will have to be met.