Installation Manual

ValveWatch II Hardware Installation and Setup Manual
Page 23 of 34
RF survey may be required to ensure correct RF operation in a heavily populated industrial
NOTE: The ValveWatch II system is a 2.4GHz radio. It overlaps the frequency range used for
WIFI networks and microwave ovens. Any additional 2.4 GHZ networks in the general vicinity of
an RF configured ValveWatch system could cause performance reduction.
7 Dynamic Pressure Transducer Installation
7.1 Initial Equipment Check List
Before going out to install any sensor, an inventory of the items needed to perform the job is
always a good way to start. Below is a list of the minimum items needed to perform the task of
sensor installation.
Dynamic pressure sensor kit with NPT adapter, protective tube and of 50 foot cable.
Thread sealant
Wrench set
Eye protection
Cable labels
7.2 Pre Installation for Dynamic Pressure Sensor
Perform a visual inspection of the sensor. Make sure that it does not have any physical
damage to the sensor mounting face or cable.
7.3 Dynamic Pressure Mounting Locations
The desired location of the sensor in the valve cavity depends on the fluid flowing through the
valve. If the fluid is a gas, the sensor should be mounted in the upper portion of the valve. If
the fluid is a liquid, the preferred location would be the bottom of the valve. It should be
noted that this is only a preferred location, as the system will work with the sensor mounted in
either location.
The dynamic pressure transducers are installed in three potential locations: the cavity of the
ESD valve, in the pipe upstream of the ESD valve, and in the pipe downstream of the ESD
valve. The system requires one cavity pressure sensor for closed valve seal leak detection and
at least two sensors (cavity and either upstream or downstream) for open seal leak detection.
All plant procedures and documents shall be followed to ensure that the installation does not
impact the functionality of the unit under test.
The pressure sensors shall be installed per this installation manual and wiring diagram