User Manual

First, determine the best location for the detector, one that provides
proper carbon monoxide detection (see Figure 4 for suggested detec-
tion locations) and a strong wireless transmission path.
Proper Carbon Monoxide Detection Location:
On a wall location, the detector should be at least as high as a light
switch, and at least six inches from the ceiling. In a ceiling location, the
detector should be at least 12 inches from any wall.
Where to install, ideally:
Within 10 feet of all sleeping areas
Inside the bedroom if it contains a fuel burning appliance
• On every oor of the building
Ideally, install in any room that contains a fuel burning appliance
If the appliance in the room is not normally used, such as the boiler
room, the detector should be placed just outside the room so the
alarm can be heard more easily
Where NOT to install, ideally:
Detectors operate best if not installed within 5 feet of any cooking
appliance Outside
Directly above a sink, cooker, stove or oven Next to a door or win-
dow that would be affected by drafts i.e. extractor fan or air vent
Do not install in any environment that does not comply with the
detector’s environmental speci cations
In or below a cupboard
• Where air ow would be obstructed by curtains or furniture