User Manual

CO Technology Limitations:
The CO5-SS utilizes an electrochemical CO sensing element, and there-
fore has certain performance limitations. The CO sensing element has a
typical life of 6 years from the date of manufacture, and while the prod-
uct has a timer to create a trouble condition after 6 years of operating,
the date code of the product, rather than the timer, should determine
when the product is replaced. The CO sensing element has a carbon l-
ter that provides resistance to false alarms caused by cross-interference
gasses, but the lter can be saturated, and so the product should not
be installed in locations where high concentrations of these gasses are
present. Cross-interference gasses include, but are not limited to: Meth-
ane, Butane, Heptane, Ethyl Acetate, Isopropyl Alcohol, Carbon Dioxide,
Ammonia, Ethanol, Toluene, Trichloroethane, and Acetone. Only a cloth
moistened with water should be used to clean the CO5-SS housing.
The movement of gases into the sensing element can be impaired if a
sealant blocks the porous surface of the CO sensor. The CO5-SS should
not be exposed to aerosol products such as furniture polish, paint or
varnish that can coat the CO sensing element and render it inoperative.