User Manual

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Do not power down Access Device while blue leds are blinking from side to side or if all of them are turned on.
Installation takes 5-15 minutes (in AX4 less than 5), be patient.
Check that only led labeled "1" in Access Point or AX4 (blue led closest to the power led in Access Server
229x) turns on and off every 4 seconds. You will then also see Bluetooth led, (led labeled "2" in Access
Point, "4" in AX4 and blue led furthest away from power led in Access Server 229x) to blink quickly every
30 seconds indicating iWRAP Bluetooth service activity.
You have now successfully upgraded Access Device.
If you hear beeps (in case of Access Server) and all blue leds start blinking on and off at the same time, you
have tried to upgrade with a wrong packet. You can confirm this from a logreflash-[version].[architecture].wpk
file in the root directory of your USB dongle. The log file is a file named using the software upgrade packet'stxt
filename and system timestamp. Please check again which file you should have used with help from Managing
and try again.Software Components (wpkgd)
In some rare occasions the update process of an old Access Server may hang. If after 15 minutes all blue leds
are still on, please power down Access Server, remove duplicate install protection file called
from USB dongle and restart the installation process.reflash-[version].[architecture].wpk.dupe
Instead of using a USB dongle, you can install software upgrade by uploading the packet with WWW Setup at
.Setup Advanced settings Upload a software update
You can also install software upgrade by uploading it to directory using SSH (SCP)./tmp/obex
4.7.3 Kernel, filesystem and configuration restore with "Factory Reset" memory
Access Device can be reprogrammed with the latest software version, erasing all data and recovering a system
that does not boot up normally.
The latest software updates and instructions are available at .
The easiest way to install the latest software version is to do it with a USB memory dongle:
Copy and files to an empty USB memory dongle. You can find these files inside kernel.* root.*
available at , or in directory inside dev/shm/phantom
packets (just rename the packets to files and unpack with for example or )reflash*.wpk *.tgz tar WinZip
Insert the dongle in Access Device.
Power up Access Device.
Wait with the dongle inserted as long as all blue leds are on. You will need to wait for 5 minutes when
reprogramming Access Point and 10 minutes when reprogramming Access Server (less than 5 minutes
when reprogramming Access Server AX4).
Check that only led labeled "1" in Access Point or AX4 (blue led closest to the power led in Access
Server) turns on and off every 4 seconds. You will then also see Bluetooth led, (led labeled "2" in Access
Point, led labelled "4" in AX4 and blue led furthest away from power led in Access Server) to blink quickly
every 30 seconds indicating Bluetooth service activity.
You have now successfully reprogrammed Access Device.