User Manual

Copyright © 2000-2011 Bluegiga Technologies Page 41 of 61
|-- sys p sys filesystem
|-- tmp -> dev/shm/tmp l temporary data (ramdisk)
|-- usr f
| |-- bin f
| |-- lib f
| | `-- gconv f
| |-- libexec f
| |-- local f mount point for second flash
| |-- sbin f
| `-- share f
| |-- tabset f
| |-- terminfo f
| | |-- a f
| | |-- l f
| | |-- s f
| | |-- v f
| | `-- x f
| `-- usb-modeswitch f
`-- var f
|-- empty -> ../dev/shm/var/empty f
|-- lib f
| |-- btclass f
| |-- dpkg f
| | `-- info f
| |-- obexsender f
| `-- setup f
|-- lock -> ../dev/shm/var/lock l
|-- log -> ../dev/shm/var/log l log files
|-- run -> ../dev/shm/var/run l
|-- spool f
| `-- cron f
| `-- crontabs f
|-- tmp -> ../dev/shm/var/tmp l
`-- www f
|-- cgi-bin f
`-- html f WWW pages
f = FLASH filesystem, read/write, files will be saved on power-down
r = RAM filesystem, read/write, files will be lost on power-down
l = symbolic link
p = proc/sys filesystem, can be used to configure Linux
8.2 Tested 3rd Party Peripherals
USB peripherals tested with Access Devices
Working modems
All USB modems need (installed by default) to work. VID:PID column reports valueskernel-modules-modem
after USB modem has switched to modem-mode. Values reported by USB modem before switching to
modem-mode are reported in brackets under usb-modeswitch column.