User Manual

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swapon Start swapping to file/device.
sync Flush file system buffers.
sysctl Read/write system parameters.
syslogd System logger.
tail Output the last part of files.
tar Create, extract, or list files from a tar file.
tcpsvd Create TCP socket, bind it to ip:port and listen for incoming connection. Run PROG for each
telnet User interface to the telnet protocol.
telnetd Telnet daemon.
test Check file types and compare values.
tftp TFTP client.
tftpd TFTP server.
time Run a program with arguments specified. When command finishes, command's resource
usage information is displayed.
top Provide a view of process activity in real time.
touch Change file timestamps.
tr Translate or delete characters.
traceroute Print the route packets trace to network host.
true Do nothing, successfully.
tty Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input.
ttysize Print dimension(s) of standard input's terminal, on error return 80x25.
udhcpc DHCP client.
udhcpd DHCP daemon for providing automatic network configuration for clients in the network.
udpsvd Create UDP socket, bind it to ip:port and wait for incoming packets. Run PROG for each
packet, redirecting all further packets with same peer ip:port to it.
umount Unmount file systems.
uname Print system information.
uniq Report or omit repeated lines.
unlzma Uncompress file.
unzip List, test and extract compressed files in a zip archive.
unxz Decompress file.
uptime Tell how long the system has been running.
usleep Sleep some number of microseconds.
uudecode Decode a binary file.
uuencode Encode a binary file.
vi Screen-oriented (visual) display editor.
wc Print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files.