User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 9. Advanced Use Cases for Access Server
Figure 9-1. OpenVPN GUI Options Menu
In Access Server, the easiest way to install OpenVPN is through the WWW setup. Just enter the
server IP address in you web browser and log in. If you do not know the IP address, you can
use the WRAPfinder application to find out the IP address. WRAPfinder is located in the CD
provided with the server.
When in WWW setup, go to Advanced settings -> Upload a software update. There you can
choose the openvpn-2.0.8-1.wpk installation packet and upload it to the server. After this you
can go back to the Advanced settings page and choose List installed software components. If you
can see openvpn in this list, the installation is complete.
9.4.3. Creating Certificates and Keys
In this chapter, we create the necessary files to ensure privacy in the VPN, i.e. we will establish
a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). The PKI consists of:
A master Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and key which is used to sign each of the server
and client certificates.
A separate certificate (also known as a public key) and private key for the server and each
OpenVPN uses bi-directional authentication, which means that both server and client will au-
thenticate each other using certificates before connection is considered safe.
To create the files we will use a set of scripts bundled with OpenVPN for Windows. To see how
the same thing is done in Linux, see
In Windows, open up a Command Prompt window and go to \Program
Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa. Run the following batch file to copy configuration files into place
(this will overwrite any existing vars.bat and openssl.cnf files):
Now, edit the vars file (called vars.bat on Windows) and set the KEY_COUNTRY, KEY_PROVINCE,
KEY_CITY, KEY_ORG, and KEY_EMAIL parameters. Do not leave any of these parameters blank.