User Manual

Table Of Contents
Appendix B. Setup Options
This prefix is put in front of every event in the log file.
Type "-" for none (default).
12. If sending was failure, log it too [Yes]
If this is enabled failed transmissions will be logged too.
13. Register to watchdog daemon [Yes]
If this is enabled, ObexSender will reboot Access Server
automatically if Bluetooth basebands have stopped responding.
14. iWRAP password [-]
iWRAP password. "-" for none (default).
15. Edit configuration file [/etc/obexsender.conf]
This link opens ObexSender configuration file
(/etc/obexsender.conf) and allows you to edit it manually.
It also allows you to change the settings that are not
configurable with Setup application.
16. Upload a new file [/usr/local/obexsender]
This link allows you to upload files into the ObexSender file directory.
17. List files [/usr/local/obexsender]
This link allows you to browse files on the ObexSender file system.
18. View log [-]
This link allows you to view ObexSender log file if it exists.
By default a summary of the logged events is displayed.
Detailed information is available by clicking the date links.
B.4.3.1. Delete log (confirm)
This link will delete the current log file after confirmation.
1. Delete log now! [/bin/true]
Delete ObexSender log file immediately!
WARNING: There is no confirmation for this!
B.4.4. SMS gateway settings
Submenu containing settings for SMS gateway application.
1. Modem device [/dev/ttyS0]
Modem device for SMS gateway.
/dev/ttyAT1 for user uart
/dev/ttyS0 for CF slot
2. Log file name [-]
The file to which the SMS gateway (smsgw) logs all traffic. Use /dev/null
for none, - for syslog, /var/log/smsgw.log if you want to save this
information. Be careful, however, not to fill the RAM file system (use a