User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 3. Using the System
Note: Always remember to unmount the memory dongle or memory card with command:
[root@wrap /]$ umount /mnt/usb
3.5. Servers
Access Server server applications are started automatically at system power-up or when an
iWRAP server or the Internet services daemon needs them. The servers and their purposes are
described in Table 3-2.
Server Description
bluetooth Access Server iWRAP Server, which is described in detail in Chapter 7.
finder WRAP Finder Service.
obexsender WRAP ObexSender server.
smsgw WRAP SMS gateway server, which is described in detail in Section
3.5.3. Notice that this server is disabled by default. Use the setup
application or the chkconfig smsgw on command to enable it.
watchdog WRAP user level watchdog.
wpkgd WRAP remote management system daemon.
crond A daemon to execute scheduled commands. This server is configurable
through the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file or the crontab
command in the same way as any Linux crond.
ftpd Internet File Transfer Protocol Server. You can configure this server
with the setup application. Notice that this server is disabled by
default. Use the WWW interface of the setup application or the
chkconfig ftpd on command to enable it.
udhcpd This server is a DHCP daemon for providing automatic network
configuration for clients in the network. Notice that, by default, this
server is only enabled for the gn interface, used by Bluetooth PAN
Generic Networking profile.
udhcpcd DHCP client daemon for automatic network configuration.
inetd Internet services daemon. Notice that this server is disabled by default.
Use the setup application or the chkconfig inetd on command to
enable it.
httpd Web server, which is described in detail in Section 3.5.7.
pppd Point to Point Protocol daemon. iWRAP server uses this server. This
server can be used manually over the user serial port (/dev/ttyAT1).
snmpd SNMP daemon. This server is available as a separate installation
sshd SSH daemon.
syslogd System logging daemon. This server can be configured by using the
setup application.