User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 6. Software Development Kit
A PC with:
CD-ROM drive
The Linux operating system (the SDK has been tested with RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 and
above, Fedora Core 2 and above; Suse and Ubuntu are reported to work too)
make and gawk must be installed
Devel libraries (especially zlib-devel, e2fsprogs-devel and ncurses-devel) must be in-
modutils-2.4.26 or newer must be installed
300MB of available hard disk space
An Ethernet connection to a Local Area Network (also connected to Access Server) is highly
Mount the Access Server SDK CD-ROM or ISO image, change the current working directory
to where it is mounted, and run the install script. If the user running install does not have
privileges to create the directory for the toolchain, normally /usr/local/arm, the install script
prompts for root’s password.
Example (user input is printed like this):
$ mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
$ (or mount -o loop /path/to/sdk2.iso /mnt/cdrom)
$ cd /mnt/cdrom
$ sh install
During the installation, the system will prompt you with some questions (described below)
regarding the components to install and the paths to install them to. If you are not familiar with
Linux, just press enter to these questions to accept the default values. The default values are
suitable for most users and systems.
6.2.2. Questions Asked by the Install Script
Access Server toolchain directory (default: /usr/local/arm)
This is the path where you want the Access Server Software Development tools
(arm-linux-gcc, etc.) to be installed.
Note: If you change this value, the Access Server tools and libc must be recompiled. The recompila-
tion process is complicated and lengthy, and it can also fail, depending on your system. Recompilation
is automatically done by the install script, if necessary.
Development directory (default: [home_of_current_user]/asdk)
This is the path where you want the Access Server Software Development Environment to be
Development directory owner (default: [current_user])
(Asked only if run as root.) This is the development directory owner’s username.