User's Manual

UART Configuration While RESET is Active
The UART interface for WT11 while the chip is being held in reset is tri-state. This will
allow the user to daisy chain devices onto the physical UART bus. The constraint on this
method is that any devices connected to this bus must tri-state when WT11reset is de-
asserted and the firmware begins to run.
7.2 USB Interface
WT11 USB devices contain a full speed (12Mbits/s) USB interface that is capable of driving
a USB cable directly. No external USB transceiver is required. The device operates as a
USB peripheral, responding to requests from a master host controller such as a PC. Both
the OHCI and the UHCI standards are supported. The set of USB endpoints implemented
can behave as specified in the USB section of the Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR specification or
alternatively can appear as a set of endpoint appropriate to USB audio devices such as
As USB is a Master/Slave oriented system (in common with other USB peripherals), WT11
only supports USB Slave operation.
7.2.1 USB Data Connections
The USB data lines emerge as pins USB_DP and USB_DN. These terminals are connected
to the internal USB I/O buffers of the WT11 and therefore have low output impedance. To
match the connection to the characteristic impedance of the USB cable, resistors are
included with USB_DP / USB_DN and the cable.
7.2.2 USB Pull-Up Resistor
WT11 features an internal USB pull-up resistor. This pulls the USB_DP pin weakly high
WT11 is ready to enumerate. It signals to the PC that it is a full speed (12Mbit/s) USB
device. The USB internal pull-up is implemented as a current source, and is compliant with
Section 7.1.5 of the USB specification v1.2. The internal pull-up pulls USB_DP high to at
least 2.8V when loaded with a 15k: r5% pull-down resistor (in the hub/host) when VDD
=3.3V. This presents a Therein resistance to the host of at least 900Ohms. Alternatively,
an external 1.5k: pull-up resistor can be placed between a PIO line and D+ on the USB
cable. The firmware must be alerted to which mode is used by setting PS Key
PSKEY_USB_PIO_PULLUP appropriately. The default setting uses the internal pull-up
7.2.3 Power Supply
The USB specification dictates that the minimum output high voltage for USB data lines is
2.8V. To safely meet the USB specification, the voltage on the VDD_USB supply terminals
must be an absolute minimum of 3.1V. CSR recommends 3.3V for optimal USB signal
7.2.4 Detach and Wake-Up Signaling
WT11 can provide out-of-band signaling to a host controller by using the control lines
called ‘USB_DETACH’ and ‘USB_WAKE_UP’. These are outside the USB specification (no
wires exist for them inside the USB cable), but can be useful when embedding WT11 into a
circuit where no external USB is visible to the user. Both control lines are shared with PIO
pins and can be assigned to any PIO pin by setting the PS Keys PSKEY_USB_PIO_DETACH