User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Team2 SW help
Before base station or USB dongle settings can be changed, the device must be connected to the
computer. The base station is connected to the system when lights 1 and 2 are lit and Team
software is running. Only main base station settings can be changed and it must be done before
the secondary base stations are introduced to the system
When the main base station is connected to the PC either with a Ethernet cable or wireless
connection, the wireless network key can be changed. Follow the instructions in the How to
setup wireless connection topic. Wired Ethernet connection is recommended when changing the
base station settings.
The base stations that are introduced to the Team
system are listed in the Base Station / USB
Dongle tab. The type (main / secondary) is also displayed. If there are secondary base stations in
the system, the main base station settings (name and wireless network key) are disabled and
cannot be changed. The Remove button below the base station list clears the whole base station
list! The Add button below the base station list is used when secondary base stations are
introduced to the system.
USB dongle has to be introduced to the system during Wizard
, or otherwise it will not work
properly. If you have not introduced the USB dongle during Wizard, see the instructions in the
hardware chapter. USB dongles that are in the system are listed in the USB Dongles list along
with status information. The status is either connected or disconnected.
To change name of the USB dongle select the USB dongle from the list and type the new
name into the Name input field.
To remove a USB dongle from the system select the USB dongle from the list and click
the Remove button.
Team Properties
To change Team Properties, a team must be selected. Team properties can be found from main
menu: Options > Team Properties. There are 5 tabs in Team Properties, Team, Sport Zones,
Training Activities, Tests and Players.
Sport Zones
Training Activities