User guide

Figure 9.2. Launching Simplicity IDE
9.1 Workspaces
workspace in the Simplicity IDE is a grouping of active projects shown in the [Project Explorer] view and is tied to a physical location
on disk. The workspace contains the top-level IDE settings, including the global defaults, view window positions, and the projects in the
workspace. The workspace information is contained in the metadata (.metadata) subdirectory in the workspace directory. Any projects
added to the workspace will be copied to this location. The default workspace location can be seen and modified by going to
[File]>[Switch Workspace]>[Other].
9.2 Projects
A Simplicity IDE project contains files, build options, and project settings. Projects generally exist as a directory containing sub-directo-
ries and files. The project structure seen in the IDE in the [Project Explorer] view is replicated physically on the disk. However, a
project may also contain linked files or directories which are just pointers to files or folders outside of the project directory.
AN0822: Simplicity Studio™ User Guide
Simplicity IDE | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.2 | 16