User Manual

Relay SG 7
Safety Information
support in the event of sideways movement. For jobs of short duration, have a fellow worker
support the ladder at the base.
z Evaluate all tasks to be performed from a ladder for potential fall hazards, such as complex
tasks or situations that require leaning from the side of the ladder.
The use of scaffolding or a work platform should be considered as an alternative solution in such
Shock Accident First Aid
z Do not touch the victim with your bare hands; use something non-conductive to separate the
victim from the energy source.
z Call for emergency medical help immediately. Keep the victim lying down, warm, and
comfortable until help arrives. Avoid moving the victim in case of injury to neck or back.
Position an unconscious victim on a side to let fluids drain.
z Check the victim’s breathing and heartbeat. If properly trained, apply mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation and/or CPR if necessary.
z Remove constricting items from the victim, such as shoes, belts, jewelry, and tight collars;
they could cut off circulation if the victim experiences swelling.
z Apply water or saline for a few minutes to any burns until the skin returns to normal
temperature. Do not attempt to remove clothing that is stuck to a burn. If possible, elevate
burned areas to reduce swelling.
z Make sure the victim receives professional medical attention, even if they feel fine. Electric
shock can cause heart failure hours after the shock is received.