Operation Manual

Why is the music muted/resumed when pairing with an audio playback device and a
mobile phone?
Some mobile phone brands and models may not be compatible. When using the Bluetooth
headphones with only one device, these incompatibilities should not appear.
When using the stereo adapter with an MP3 player, the volume is too low.
The output power of the audio playback devices may vary. The stereo adapter offers two
amplification modes. When pressing the control button on the stereo adapter twice (instead of
once) while connecting it to the headphones, the output volume will be higher.
What is an A2DP profile?
This is a new Bluetooth standard for stereo quality signal transmitting. The Bluetooth headset,
the stereo adapter and the USB adapter support this standard.
What is AVRCP?
AVRCP means „Audio/Video Remote Control Profile“ and is a Bluetooth service offering
remote control functions like Play and Stop.