Operating instructions

Handling and operation
SAB 160 A1
Switching the PTY function on/off
To activate the PTY search press the PTY button. In the display the notice
With the station search only stations of the currently selected PTY identifi cation
will be considered.
To deactivate the PTY search press the PTY button again.
ation search by PTY identifi cation
During the display of a PTY identifi cation if you press briefl y the PTY button
or the buttons I◂◂ and/or ▸▸I a search immediately star
ts for stations, which
correspond to this PTY identifi cation.
If no station is found that corresponds with this PTY identifi cation the indicator
PTY NONE appears briefl y and subsequently the search ends with the last
preset station.
Tra c radio (TA - “Traffi c Announcement”)
For this function the EON function must be switched on.
Press the TA button to switch this mode on or off
In the TA mode the device will immediately switch from other stations or operation
modes to the radio station, which is currently broadcasting traffi c information.
With this the volume level entered under TAVOL will be set.
During the playback of traffi c radio press the TA button to stop the TA function
without switching off this function.