Operating instructions

Handling and operation
SAB 160 A1
Do not mount the microphone in the vicinity of speakers otherwise the voice
quality may deteriorate.
Call accept/end
With an incoming call you will hear the call signal via the speakers attached
to the device and via your mobile telephone. The call number is shown in the
device’s display.
You accept an incoming call by pressing the TALK button on the micro-
phone unit or the
button on the device.
You end the call by pressing the TALK button on the microphone unit again
or b
y pressing the
button on the device.
Rejecting a call
With an incoming call press the button to reject that call.
To call
Press the button . DIAL appears in the display.
With the number buttons on the device enter the phone number that you
want to call.
Press the
button again. The number is dialled and CALLING appears
in the display.
If you make a mistake when entering the phone number press the
button to delete the last number entered. Each additional press
of the
button deletes the last number respectively.
Hold down the TALK button on the microphone unit or the button on
the device for approx. 2 seconds.
If previously no call number was selected via the number buttons on the
device the last selected mobile phone call number is dialled.
If pre
viously a call number was selected via the number buttons on the
device this call number is dialled.