Operating instructions

Handling and use
SAR 28 A1
Radio functions
Selecting the station memory band
Press the BD/DISP
button to switch between station memory bands
(FM1, FM2, FM3). Each station memory band covers the same frequency
range (87.5 - 108 MHz) and has 6 memory locations.
Automatic station search
Keep the ▸▸I
or I◂◂
button pressed to start automatic station search.
The search stops when a station is found.
Manual station selection
Press the ▸▸I or I◂◂ button briefly to change the frequency in
0.05 MHz (FM) increments until the required frequency is set.
Storing radio stations
Keep one of the 1 to 6 buttons pressed for about 3 seconds to store the
station currently selected. The showing of numbers 1 to 6 on the display
indicates a successful store.
Selecting stations stored
Use BD/DISP to select the station memory band (FM1, FM2, FM3).
Press one of the 1 to 6 buttons to select the station stored.
Automatic storing
Keep the A/PS
button pressed for 3 seconds. A search starts imme-
diately and stays for about 5 seconds at each station found. The station indi-
cator and/or the station frequency fl ashes and the memory slot is displayed.
The search continues automatically when weak stations are found.
Run through the stations stored
Press the A/PS button briefl y. All stations are selected briefl y.
When you hear the required station, press the A/PS button.
The station chosen remains selected.
IB_85465_SAR28A1_LB3.indb 17IB_85465_SAR28A1_LB3.indb 17 06.12.12 16:4706.12.12 16:47