Owner's manual

Component Size Limitations
The height limit is 57mm and there is 5.7mm of clearance around the motherboard’s edge.
DS380 was designed to accommodate oversize components, but we still recommend referring to the following dimension guidelines
for future upgrades:
(1) CPU cooler limitation
Das Höhenlimit beträgt 57 mm, an der Kante des Motherboards verbleiben 5.7 mm Freiraum.
La hauteur maximale est de 57mm et il y a une espace de 5.7mm autour du bord de la carte mère.
La altura límite es de 57mm y existe un espacio de 5.7mm alrededor del extremo de la placa base.
Il limite in altezza è di 57mm e ci sono 5.7mm di tolleranza intorno al bordo della scheda madre.
Maximum 57mm
Maximum 5.7mm
Максимальная высота кулера – 57мм, и зазор вокруг края материнской платы должен составлять 5.7мм.
높이는57mm로 제한되며, 외측은 메인보드 경계 5.7mm까지 초과될 수 있습니다.