User Manual

P/N R64216 v3.1 Page | 26
Viewing, Creating, and Editing Players
Both RedZone and HIT Analyzer allow you to view, create, and edit players. By creating a profile for each
player you will be able to track impact data by position, alert type, etc.
Viewing Players
In RedZone click on the “Roster” option on the left hand side of the screen to view your roster as shown
in Figure 33. The RedZone roster can include a complete history of all active and inactive players. The
roster can be sorted by clicking on any of the category headings, and the roster can be filtered using the
options under the title “Roster Filters”.
After changing the roster filters you must click on the “Refresh button to update the information
displayed on the screen.
Figure 33: RedZone Roster Manager. This is a full list of all of your players.
The following categories are provided for each player: Name, Jersey Number, Displayed Player ID,
Squad, Sub-Group, Position, Available To Play, Gender, MxEncoder S/N. By default the roster is sorted
by the players’ last names. The Displayed Player ID is the identification used by the HIT Analyzer
program to identify a player when collecting impact data.
View Roster
Create New Player
Refresh View
Filter Roster