User Manual

P/N R64216 v3.1 Page | 30
HIT Analyzer
Viewing Players
To view your current roster, click on the “Roster Manager” option on in the menu bar. You will be
presented with a screen like the one shown in Figure 35. By default the roster is sorted by the players’
last names. The roster list is capable of being sorted by any of the category headings as shown in Figure
35. The HIT Analyzer roster list cannot be filtered, and the list only displays currently active players (i.e.
players who have not left the team). If you wish to have a complete roster history, you must use the
RedZone website.
The following categories are provided for each player: Name, Jersey Number, Team Unique ID, Squad,
Sub-Group, Position, Available To Play, Gender, MxEncoder S/N. The Displayed ID is the identification
shown by HIT Analyzer when you are collecting impact data.
Figure 35: HIT Analyzer Roster Manager. This shows all of the active players on your roster. To see a complete roster
history use the RedZone website.
Creating and Editing Players
To create a new player in HIT Analyzer, click on “New Player” at the top of the roster shown in Figure 35.
To edit an existing player, click on the player’s name.
For creating or editing a player, there are four tabs for entering information: General, Team Membership,
HIT System, and Emergency Info. Although only some fields are required, it is recommended that you fill
in as much information as possible. When you have completed entering the player’s information, click
on the “Save” button in the lower right side of the screen. You will be prompted if you are missing
required information or if you have made an invalid entry. A detailed description of each field is provided
View Roster
Create New Player