User Manual

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Trainers, coaches and officials of contact sports have long sought to protect players
from head injury. But, in hard-hitting sports like football, what can be done? The best
equipment, coaching and enforcement of the rules cannot completely protect against
mild brain trauma and concussion. Potential injury-producing impacts can go unnoticed
and the resulting physiological damage may even be cumulative. Groundbreaking
technology developed by Simbex and supported by the National Institutes of Health
could change all that. The system is called the Head Impact Telemetry System™ (HIT
System™) and is the first device to continuously monitor, analyze and record a player’s
on-field head impact experience, and which is practical enough to be used in all game
and practice situations.
The HIT System not only monitors and records the impact history for all players
simultaneously, but also can signal the sidelines staff to the occurrence of an impact
that conforms to a Suspect Impact Profile. The system monitors standard impact
measures, such as maximum g’s, Head Impact Criteria (HIC), and Gadd Severity Index
(GSI), or customized metrics based on any of the following components:
Impact location
Impact magnitude
Impact duration
Linear and angular acceleration components
And the exact times,
of single or multiple impacts for improved player protection from serious injury.
About Simbex –
“Simply Better Exercise
The Head Impact Telemetry System has been developed and patented by Simbex.
Simbex has been researching, testing and creating products that benefit active people
since its inception. Simbex is a research and product development company,
specializing in biomechanical feedback systems, with research awards from the National
Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Our goal is to bring to market
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