User's Guide

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P/N R63314 v1.08c
Page | 44
When multiple teams have been created within InSite Player
Management software, “Transfer” buttons appear on both the Player
Setup and Equipment Assignment screens in the Player Management
Software. The transfer button allows you to move a player or equipment
from one team to another.
When equipment or players are transferred, all Alert Monitors from both
affected teams in the transfer will need to be synchronized. Riddell
recommends that transfers or any other team configuration modification
is done after use, and before midnight when the next day's check-in
cycle begins
. If you make changes the same day as a game or practice,
you must command directed check-ins for all affected Player Units
Check In Player
, p.51).
Transferring a player is useful if that player is moving from one team to
another. You cannot transfer a player across computers or software
When a player is transferred, if they have a Player Unit assigned, that
Player Unit will also get transferred to the new team. If you wish to just
transfer a player and not the Player Unit, from the Player Setup tab, click
EDIT, then click “Not Assigned from the Assigned Player Unit
dropdown menu for the player, then click “Save Changes to unassign
the Player Unit before transferring the player.