User's Guide

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P/N R63314 v1.08c
Page | 60
During reconditioning, player units are deconfigured (have their settings
and memory cleared) to ensure that users
must reconfigure their
equipment properly for the new season. Typically equipment and
helmet assignments change year to year, and this method avoids issues
that arise when InSite attempts to use a Player Unit with old settings,
especially if the Player Unit is now assigned to a different player or even
a different team.
To reconfigure player units they need to be deleted from past
teams/players and reassigned to their current teams/players:
1) First, delete all existing Player Units from your team(s), using the
Equipment Assignments tab:
Go to the Player Unit tab and click on the “Delete All
button. This will delete all of your Player Units on your team
and unassign them from players. Alternatively, you can
delete each reconditioned Player Unit individually using the
minus sign button in the lower left corner.