Users Manual Part 2

SIM8260A_Hardware Design_V1.05 122 / 122
This equipment complieswithFCCradiation exposure limitssetforth for an uncontrolled
environment.This equipmentshould be installed and operatedwithminimumdistance
the radiator&your bodyThe host productLabelingRequirements:
NOTICE:The host productmustmake sure that FCClabeling requirements are
clearlyvisible exteriorlabelontheoutsideofthe finalproduct housingthatdisplaysthe contents
in below:
Contains FCC ID:2AJYU-8XN0001
1.8Informationontestmodes andadditionaltestingrequirements:
When setting up the configuration, ifthe pairing and call box optionsfortesting do not work, the
needsto coordinatewith themodulemanufacturerto accessthe testmode software.
1.9Additional testing, Part 15 Subpart B disclaimer:
Themodulartransmitteris onlyFCCauthorized forthe specific rule parts(FCCPart
on the grant, and that the host product manufacturer isresponsible for compliance to any other
FCC rulesthat apply to the host not covered by themodulartransmitter grant of certification.
1.10Informationontestmodes andadditionaltestingrequirements:
When testing, testers need to referto the user manual, and the sample powersupply needsto
use a special adapte rpower supply.
Contact us:
Shanghai SIMCom Wireless Solutions Ltd.
Add: SIM Technology Building, No.633, Jinzhong Road, Changning District, Shanghai P.R. China
Tel+86 21 3235 3300
Fax+86 21 3235 3020