Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). Keep
combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. Take precautionary measures
against static discharge. Use only non-sparking tools. The product is immiscible with water and will
sediment in water systems. Prevent product from entering drains.
Large Spills: Dike far ahead of spill for later disposal. Use a non-combustible material like
vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product and place into a container for later disposal.
Following product recovery, flush area with water.
Small Spills: Absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers
for later disposal. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination.
Never return spills to original containers for re-use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS.
Methods and materials for
containment and cleaning up
Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground.
Environmental precautions
7. Handling and storage
Do not handle, store or open near an open flame, sources of heat or sources of ignition. Protect
material from direct sunlight. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. All
equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Use non-sparking tools and
explosion-proof equipment. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and
clothing. Avoid prolonged exposure. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe
good industrial hygiene practices. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Explosion-proof
general and local exhaust ventilation. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Use only in area
provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation. Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
Precautions for safe handling
Store locked up. Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Prevent electrostatic charge
build-up by using common bonding and grounding techniques. Store in a cool, dry place out of
direct sunlight. Store in original tightly closed container. Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep in an
area equipped with sprinklers. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the
Conditions for safe storage,
including any incompatibilities
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
Occupational exposure limits
US. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)
PEL 435 mg/m3Ethylbenzene (CAS
100 ppm
PEL 435 mg/m3Xylene (CAS 1330-20-7)
100 ppm
US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values
TWA 20 ppmEthylbenzene (CAS
STEL 150 ppmXylene (CAS 1330-20-7)
TWA 100 ppm
US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
STEL 545 mg/m3Ethylbenzene (CAS
125 ppm
TWA 435 mg/m3
100 ppm
STEL 655 mg/m3Xylene (CAS 1330-20-7)
150 ppm
TWA 435 mg/m3
100 ppm
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Version #: 01 Revision date: - Issue date: 12-June-2017