User's Manual

© SimocoGroup Australasia 2013 page 8 TNM-U-E-0108 Issue 1.1
SDM630 Key Label Function
Power On/Off
To turn the radio on, press and hold the volume knob
for about 1 second. To turn the radio off, press and
hold the volume knob until the long tone sounds.
Push-to-Talk. Hold the microphone about 10cm from
the mouth. Press and hold the PTT switch and speak.
Release to listen.
Turn the volume knob clockwise to increase volume
and anti-clockwise to reduce volume.
Function Key F1
Programmable Function key.
Default – Menu Select.
Function Key F2
Programmable Function key.
Default – Channel Down.
Function Key F3
Programmable Function key.
Default – Channel Up.
Function Key F4
Programmable Function key.
Default – OK.
Function Key F6
Programmable Function key. Located on Microphone.
Function Key F5
Programmable Function key.
Default – Alarm.
Function Key F7
Programmable Function key.
Default – Call
Function Key F8
Programmable Function key.
Default – Reset / Cancel.
Function Key F9
Programmable Function key.
Function Key F10
Programmable Function key.
Function Key F11
Programmable Function key.