User's Manual

Jun 15 (Iss. 1.4) Page 44 MENU SCREENS
Punctuation characters (full stop, comma, question mark, etc) are entered using the # key. A
space is entered with the * key.
Each line displays up to 12 characters. Up to five lines can be displayed at once. If more than five
lines of text are entered, the lines will be scrolled up.
The text used in the message is lowercase, left justified.
The and keys are used to scroll the cursor left or right.
A double press of the ‘#key will erase the character to the left of the cursor. A double press of the
*’ key will erase the complete message.
Press the ‘Back’ key to return to the previous screen.
Press the ‘Select’ key to display the Send screen, which allows you to select a Contact from the
Contacts menu. See Para 6.7.6 Sending Status, Template and Text Messages below for
further information.
7.7.6 Sending Status, Template and Text Messages
To send Status, Template and Text Messages carry out the following:
1 When the message has been selected/created and is ready to be sent, press the ‘Select’ key
to display the Send screen (see Figure 30 below).
2 On the Send screen, use the and keys to select the ‘Contact’ option. Press the ‘Select’
key. An individual Contact Details screen from the Contact List will be displayed (see
Figure 17.).
3 To select a different contact than the one displayed, use the and keys.
4 With the correct Contact displayed, press the ‘Select’ key to send the message.
5 Short messages confirming that the message is being sent and that delivery has been
successful or that delivery has failed will be displayed.
Figure 30. Send Message Screen.
7.7.7 Viewing Received Messages
When selected, the details of received messages (status, template and text messages) stored in
the Inbox will be displayed on the Message View screen.