Service Manual

© TMC Radio 2006 page 40 TNM-U-E-0002 Issue 1 Rx Front End
1. Ensure that the TCX0 Alignment has been done before proceeding with this section.
2. Select the Rx Front End Page.
3. Select Open Mute.
4. Set the Volume slider to 15.
Speaker audio should now be visible on the Scope. If required readjust the Volume slider to a suitable
5. Set the Signal Generator to the Channel 0 carrier frequency, with a 1000Hz modulation signal, a
deviation of ±2 kHz and an RF level of -90dBm.
6. Select Channel 0.
7. Select Auto Align.
The front end will be tuned automatically and finish with an RSSI reading of typically around 150.
8. Repeat Steps 7 to 8 for the remaining 3 Channels (1, 2, & 3).
9. Change deviation to 1.5kHz.
10. Verify that the receiver sensitivity is better than -117.5dBm for 12dB sinad on all channels.
(Sensitivity is typically -120dBm).