User's Guide

4.2.5 Phonebook Edit
The Phone Book can be modified so that new entries can be added and existing entries can
be modified or removed from the phone book.
Phone book entries may be Individual Addresses, Telephone numbers or Talk Groups.
Changes to the phone book are permanent. Phonebook Edit Default Screen
When “Phone Book Edit” is selected from the menu screen, the radio displays the Phone
Book Edit Screen.
From this screen, an entry can be chosen using the and keys.
The displayed information is the same as the Phone Book Screen display.
A “Reset” function key press (if configured), takes the radio back to the default screen
If the “Back” key “M” is pressed, the radio returns to the MENU screen.
If the “OK” key is pressed, the “Phone Book Edit” pop-up menu is displayed. Phone Book Edit Pop-up menu
The pop-up items are:
ADD: to add a new phone entry
EDIT: to edit (modify) the selected phone entry.
DELETE: to delete the currently selected phone entry.
The selection is made with the and keys.
The “M” or “Back” key takes the radio back to the Phone Book Edit Default Screen.
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