User's Guide

TXTMSG: Text message. Enters the text message edit and send sub-menus. Only
applicable when a digital channel is selected.
Options are selected with the and keys.
Pressing “M” or “Back” keys takes the radio back to the Menu screen.
A “Reset” function key press (if configured), takes the radio back to the default screen
If “VIEW” is selected, pressing “OK” shows the Message View screen.
If “SMSG” is selected, pressing “OK” shows the Short Message screen only for a digital
channel, otherwise an error beep will sound.
If “TXTMSG” is selected, pressing “OK” shows the Edit Text Message screen only for a
digital channel, otherwise an error beep will sound. View Received Messages Screen
Received messages (both short messages and text messages) can be viewed from this
This screen displays the received messages one by one, starting with the most recent
received message.
The information displayed for each message includes the sender ID and the first 2 lines of
the received message in text string.
If no messages are stored, “NO RECORD” is displayed.
To step through other stored messages, use the and keys. If there is no further
message stored, an error beep will sound.
A “Reset” function key press (if configured), takes the radio back to the default screen
If the “Back” or “M” key is pressed, the radio will return to the Messages Selection pop-up
Pressing the “OK” key displays the Message View pop-up menu with further options.
© TMC Radio 2007 Page 32 TNM-U-E-0073 1.1b