User's Guide

The pop-up selections are:
Add: adds a channel to the scan group
Delete: deletes the currently selected channel from the scan group
Back: returns to previous menu screen
The and keys make the selection.
The “Menu” or “Back” key takes the radio back to the “Scan Edit” main screen.
A “Reset” function key press (if configured) takes the radio back to the default screen
If “Delete” is selected, pressing “OK” key removes the selected channel from the scan group
and takes the radio back to the default screen display. If scanning is enabled on the current
channel, this action shall result in rescanning. The deletion is permanent.
If “Add” is selected, pressing “OK” key takes the radio to the Scan Group Add Type screen.
The priority level of the channel to add to the scan group is selected from this screen. The
choices are:
Member: A member channel is a normal channel with lowest priority in the scan
Prty1: A Priority 1 channel will have the highest priority in the scan group
Prty2: A Priority 2 channel will have the second highest priority in the scan group.
The priority of the channel is selected using the and keys and pressing OK. The Scan
Group Add screen will appear next. Scan Group Add Screen
The “Scan Group Add” screen shows channels that are not members of the Scan Group.
© TMC Radio 2007 Page 40 TNM-U-E-0073 1.1b