User Manual

SGD-SB2025NT-TUM, Part 2
Jan 12 Page 42
When a level change is applied, the marker alongside the slider will turn
until the change is
confirmed, whereupon the position of the marker will match that of the slider control pointer and
Figure 31. Audio I/P Level adjustment. Audio Input Setup Process
The following process is used to setup the audio input sensitivity:
1. Apply a test tone (see note) to the input at the required Peak System Level (PSL).
Due to the digitisation sampling rate, the gauge and reading will not be stable at a test
tone frequency of 1 kHz or multiples thereof (an aliasing effect). However, even a
small change (a few Hertz) will greatly stabilise the readings. A change of at least
±20 Hz is recommended to give a fully stable result.
2. Adjust the input gain control and fine slider so that the top of the blue “gauge” is aligned to
the centre of the green datum mark. (Adjusting the coarse gain control may cause a
momentary effect on the PLL status).
3. The reading at the foot of the gauge is the Solar internal PSL and a reading of 10,000 50)
is the target value.
4. The coarse gain setting steps are 0 db, +6 dB, +12 dB, +18 dB, +20 dB, +26 dB and +32 dB.
5. As a guide, each “click” on the fine slider nominally corresponds to change of 0.05 dB and
changes the internal input level reading by approximately 50 points.
A change in the coarse gain setting will cause the PLL to show an error and possibly
an alarm for a short duration.