User Manual

SGD-SB2025NT-TUM, Part 2
Jan 12 Page 93
The majority of entries in the system log are likely to be due to automatic functions although an
event might be due to manual action elsewhere on the system.
13.2.3 Voter Log
When a voter change occurs such as happens at the start of an incoming call or a change in voted
site selection or at the end of a call, an entry is generated in the voter log. The information
included with each entry is the RSSI signal level for every site within the channel. This information
is presented as a sub-list in the format of a series of numbers separated by commas such that:
A value greater than zero represents a site with a valid signal.
A value of zero represents a site with no incoming signal.
A null value represents a site that is either not present on that channel or not enabled on the
The full TM capacity of 32 stations is always output in the data field irrespective of the number of
stations on the Solar network. Therefore, it will not be unusual to see a long row of commas
running from Site 1 to Site 32. This approach ensures that opening a log file in a spreadsheet
causes each site to fall into the correct column for each station to ease station identification and
traffic analysis.
13.2.4 ET Log
Connection and disconnection of the TM ET in either serial or network mode will result in an entry
in the ET Log. Actions taken through the ET are also logged but the details of the changes made
will vary according to the nature of the change.
Configuration changes to the TM are logged in full detail as are system configuration changes, e.g.
enabling or disabling an NI, moving a station from one channel to another, changes to an IP
address and changing the alarm configuration of any item. However, engineering changes to an
NI are not logged in detail due to the almost infinite number of variations to audio and tone levels
alone that could occur; these are simply recorded as “Change to Engineering settings”.
13.3 A
To gain access to any log related aspect, select the ‘Logging’ button on the TM Status panel to
open the main logging window (still a sub-window on the TM ET).
Figure 80. Route to TM Logging.