User Manual

SGD-SB2025NT-TUM, Part 1
Return (RTN) path – Talk In direction.
The synchronization process requires access to a globally available 1PPS (Global Positioning
System (GPS)); when configured as ‘enabled’ the process is automatic; there is no manual
version, although the average value of delays being experienced across the network will be
displayed on the Engineering Terminal (ET).
(b). Multicast style
Solar will operate in systems that are built as Multicast, i.e. where multiple Base Tx’s are triggered
simultaneously but there is no requirement for GO audio synchronization as the Tx’s are on
different frequencies. Therefore, this mode of operation does not require GPS.
(c). Transmitter Steering Style
Solar is able to be configured to operate in a Tx Steering Mode using commands from a host
console system via an IP connection. This feature is implemented to suit specific console models.
(d). Single Tx, Voted Receivers Style
A Solar SB2025NT can be configured to operate as a receive-only unit to provide better receive
coverage for hand portable users.
1.4 S
Solar 2 provides the means to deliver synchronised audio that is carried over an IP network to
multiple base station transmitters for simulcast operation. Building upon this well proven
“synchronising engine” the SB2025 supports simulcast analogue and P25.
A Solar 2 P25 system will comprise of at least one Solar TM and a number of Station NIs. A single
TM may be used as a standalone entity or be paired with a second unit working in duplicated mode
for enhanced resilience (1+1 operation).
As with the original version of Solar, the TM is capable of controlling a maximum of 32 Station NIs,
which may be deployed across more than one channel to a maximum of four. A DFSI connection
can be made to each channel in the TM or one or more NIs may be used in Central mode (Central
NI) to provide the console Analogue Fixed Station Interface (AFSI) to an analogue or P25 channel.
On Solar P25 systems, a channel may be configured to operate in either analogue only mode, P25
only mode, or automatic mode. The latter mode enables mixed operation on a call-by-call basis as
might be necessary during system migration.
All Solar 2 P25 Station NIs and TM units must be provided with a global timing signal to achieve
system wide synchronisation; this is not mandatory for Central NI units, which can take timing from
the TM. The global timing signal is normally derived from a GPS Rx, and equipment that meets
that requirement and is a direct plug-in to Solar 2 is available from DTS.
The TM receives IP packets from, and sends IP packets to, every NI on the system. The IP
packets are formatted in exactly the same way as for Solar 1, in order to maintain commonality as
well as using time-proven format and simplifying processing when signals are conventional
analogue and not P25.