User Manual

SGD-SB2025NT-TUM, Part 2
Jan 12 Page 48
Figure 41. Signalling Tone Output.
The frequency range is 2.5 kHz to 3.5 kHz and, consequently, values entered outside this range
will be changed to the closest limit when the ‘Applybutton is selected. The tone level setting is in
2 dB steps covering the range of −10 dB to −28 dB relative to the peak system audio level, i.e. it is
not an absolute level. The current level setting is shown at the foot of the slider.
When a level change is applied the marker alongside the slider will turn
until the change is
confirmed whereupon the position of the marker will match that of the slider control pointer and turn
For FW Config builds other than 0x7FFF, the operation of this facility may be different.
See Section 15 – Firmware Extensions for more information. Manual Trigger
For a Station NI this facility provides a simple means to apply a Tx PTT “ON” condition for test
purposes. For a Central NI this becomes the “Rx Voted” output (if used). Whether it is a relay, a
tone or both that is activated depends on what has been configured for the function.
If this facility is used and then the network connection to the Station NI fails, rather than leaving the
Tx keyed indefinitely, under this situation the function will cancel automatically otherwise it must be
cancelled manually. However, activating the facility is indicated on the NI mode panel of the status
page on the ET as a warning – see
Section 3.2
. Isolated Inputs
The state of the Isolated Inputs is presented on the ‘Status’ page (this is the default view) and
configured on the ‘Mode’ page. The Isolated Inputs ‘Status’ page and ‘Mode’ page are shown
overleaf in
Figure 42