User Manual

SGD-SB2025NT-TUM, Part 2
Jan 12 Page 97
’. The channel number encompassing the event is displayed when appropriate. On
single channel versions this will only be “Chn 01”.
’. The equipment or hardware unit that experienced the event. Typical data is
“TM”, “Cen 01” and “Stn 02” etc.
’. The area of the equipment in which the event occurred. Typical data is “File”, “Key”
and “NI”, etc.
’. The details of the event itself. This varies widely according to both the event itself
and the log subject.
Figure 85. Example of a System Log.
A log entry that does not have information that relates to a data field will be displayed as ‘----‘ in
that column. In the above system log file display, every entry is an example of the latter situation
as these are all concerned with the TM itself, which has no channel association and so the
Channel data fields are shown as ‘----‘. Similarly the entries for TM start-up and firmware have no
‘Type’ data.
13.6.3 Filtering the Log Display
The ‘Channel’, ‘Equipment’ and ‘Type’ columns may be filtered to allow closer examination of
specific details and this feature operates in a very similar way to that available in spreadsheet
applications. Once a filter is applied, the list will be reduced and the number of events that match
that filter setting will be shown in the display header area.
The example overleaf has been constructed for handbook purposes as it is not possible to operate
all three pull down lists simultaneously even though all three columns may be filtered together.